Material & shape



Usually we work with red- and white gold but it is also possible to get other shades such as yellow and rose colored gold. You can also combine multiple gold colors in the same ring. In recent years, gold has become increasingly popular possibly because it has become more common with diamonds in both engagement and wedding rings. In red gold framed a diamond in and you can clearly see the stone's edges but in white gold highlights the diamond and the border between the stone and gold are not as clear. However, one should keep in mind that gold has a coating of rhodium and this wears slightly over time and may need to be redone. It is of course also order the ring without rhodiering if desired.



Our range includes rings in a variety of shapes to choose from, ranging from classical to contemporary curved straight. Often, the aim is to get the shape as similar as possible for both engagement and wedding ring, so both ring guides are good to each other.



Engraving is included in the price when you purchased the rings from us. The engagement ring you write is usually their partner's first name and the engagement date. The wedding ring is customary to write both parties' first names and wedding date if fit. If you want to write something else, it is of course good, the choice is yours! There are four different engraving styles to choose from: standard, straight, italic and cursive writing. There are also a number of symbols that you can make use of.

Diamond cut


Each diamond can be given a different cut. The most common are brilliant, princess, pear, cushion, heart and radiant. Below you will see these and more variants. There is symmetry in the cutting process that determines the quality. A full cut brilliant has 57 facets. Sometimes the diamond has an "older" cut, which means fewer facets, as it were processed well before the technology evolved to the current level. Stones with older cuts can be very valuable despite being uneven.

Angel's Tears Diamonds

Västmannagatan 69, 113 26 Stockholm

+46 (0) 70 881 04 10


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